Thank You!

In Uncategorized by Karen Buck

As the year draws to a close, it is a time for celebration. We at Nonprofit Impact feel extremely fortunate for all of the wonderful people and organizations we have had the opportunity to work with over the past 12 months. Thank you for the important work that you do.

This is also a natural time to reflect on the past and look toward the future. Many of us spend time considering changes or improvements we’d like to make and setting resolutions for the coming year. This process of reflection and resolution is useful not only for individuals, but also for organizations.

Here are a few questions to spur reflection and encourage resolutions for the New Year that will move your operation towards greater mission impact and long-term sustainability. Why not bring some of these questions you your first staff, committee, or board meeting of 2013 to stimulate thoughtful discussion and inspire action in the coming year?

  • In the past year, what one action or effort contributed most significantly to our long-term sustainability?
  • In the past year, what one program, service, project, or action yielded the biggest impact towards our mission?
  • In the past year, when did we feel most connected to and supported by our constituents?
  • What one thing does our organization most need to put in place to boost our sustainability?
  • How can we ensure that we maximize the mission impact of our efforts in the coming year?
  • In what ways can we alter how we do our work in order to build deeper, more engaged relationships with our core constituents?

We hope that you have a peaceful holiday season and return excited to continue your important work. Thanks again for all that you do and have a Happy New Year!