Tools to inform and Empower

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The Integrated Strategy shows how your nonprofit can thrive by aligning identity, constituents, and capacity. This proven model for success and sustainability is foundational to all of our work.

Organizations that have integrated (rather than siloed) programs and projects are more potent and efficient, freeing up resources to build capacity without more staff or more money.

Why struggle with separate strategic, marketing, and fundraising plans when a business plan can align all part of your organization, to work together and achieve impact?


Ready for a more sophisticated approach to planning? See how strategic positioning defines your competitive advantage, leverages your assets, and maximizes your opportunities for next level success.


What’s the best way to build capacity and maximize your impact? Learn how to define and use your business model to attract, allocate, and manage your capacity to do just that!


This workbook will take you from talking about succession to acting with tools and templates to help you assess and address your succession planning needs.


Organizations that are most successful finding and keeping members who are fiercely loyal or generous, long-term donors are constituent centered.  


“If you build it, they will come,” is NOT a marketing strategy! Use this step-by-step process grow and connect more deeply with your audience.


Technical assistance programs that are outcome-driven deliver measurable results, build strong, engaged relationships, and can even impact systems change.