Nonstop Change Requires a New Mindset

In Uncategorized by Karen Buck

Welcome to 2020!

Imagine that tomorrow you wake up and have magically acquired a new skill or understanding that will help your organization succeed in the new year.

What would it be?

That question is more than an interesting hypothetical. It points to a new way our clients are approaching change: as an opportunity for learning rather than something to manage.

Whether it’s the 2020 elections, impacts of climate change, or the results of your year-end fundraising campaign, the pace and scale of changes affecting mission-driven organizations shows no signs of slowing down. William Bridges said it best in Managing Transitions:

“Nonstop change requires a new mindset.”

And that’s what we’ve seen in the past year – a change in mindset away from simply managing change towards building a culture and ongoing practice of learning. The building blocks of a learning mindset include:

  • Learning at all levels – every team, person, and program
  • Being deliberate – set specific learning objectives (what do you want to be able to do or what question are you trying to answer?)
  • Focusing on application – use what you learn to take effective action

What is your learning objective for the year?

How will achieving it help your organization make an impact? And how will you apply what you learn?

To our 100’s of webinar and conference workshop participants, the 20 amazing professionals who have taken our High Impact Manager e-course, and the 24 nonprofit and agency clients we worked with in 2019: thank you for being our teachers! And to all our friends, thank you for all you do for your organizations, communities, and causes.

Let us know how we can help you meet your learning objectives and have an amazing and impactful 2020!